February 9, 2011

Call for Nominations

Want to lead a great organization & boost your resume? TDC has open nominations for officer positions, so nominate your friend (or yourself) today. 

Position available on the 2011-2012 TDC Board:

Vice President 
Internal Affairs Coordinator
Program Coordinator 
Social Activism Coordinator
Marketing Director

E-mail tdc@trinity.edu with a nomination (name, position, and why you think they would be good) through March 1st, 2011. 

Elections will be held March 8th @ 7pm in Waxahachie during the Executive Meeting. 

February 2, 2011

Training! + Mocha Life/ Lunar New Year

    Well, training was this weekend and after all the official business was over, a group of officers went bowling together!
    Some people had to leave (so they could go practice dances for Lunar New Year: February 16th, 7pm in Laurie Auditorium) but most of us stayed and played two games. And it turns out, all of us were pretty decent bowlers. Kate actually broke 100 her second game - a record for her - but many of the other bowlers had several strikes and scores, which lead to much better scores. I can definitely sense another trip to Astro Bowl in the future as there is still higher scores and more fun to be had. Pics will be up soon.
     Till then, anyone want to start a TDC bowling league?

Also, this Saturday is Mocha Life- Black Student Union's 5th annual celebration for Black History Month. To quote a little from their facebook page, "This will be the biggest and BEST Mocha Life Trinity University has ever seen.... We will have a variety of performances ranging from dance, music, dramatic interpretation and poetry."

Everyone should check it out:
Saturday, February 5 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Trinity University - Laurie Auditorium