January 25, 2011

Just Because

In light of the meeting being canceled tonight, TDC still wanted to make sure information was getting out to everyone and people were feeling diversified enough for this week.

What is diversity anyway? One way to describe it is through the definition of the word:

di·ver·si·ty [dih-vur-si-tee

–noun, plural -ties.
1. the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness.
2. variety; multiformity.
3. a point of difference.
1300–50;  ME diversite  < AF < L dīversitās. See diverse, -ity

o·ver·di·ver·si·ty, noun
(P.S. Is it really possible to have an "overdiversity"? I don't really think there can be too much) 

2.  change, difference, variation, dissimilarity. 

Training is this Saturday, Jan. 29th from 11:00-12:30pm in Skyline.
All officers on this list serve are expected to be at training for the entire time, unless they have already come in and talked to us prior
(during our office hours) about their absence. 
Please bring a computer if you wish to make t-space reservations.
Lunch will be served at 12:30pm- feel free to eat in Skyline room or take your lunch with you as you leave.

After lunch, we will sort out carpooling for those who wish to go bowling, again, not mandatory, but it should be fun!

January 19, 2011

Welcome Back!

Tonight and Tonight only-

    Hello all, and a big welcome back to Trinity University. TDC was on winter holiday for a month, but now we are here once again and planning more awesome events for this semester! But, back to my original point: tonight at 7pm in Laurie auditorium, Trinity will host an MLK commemorative lecture (more information here). At this year's lecture, Marc Lamont Hill, a cultural anthropologist specializing in hip-hop culture will be speaking. This event goes along with the theme for San Antonio's MLK history events, combining a respect and rememberance for Martin Luther King Jr. with a modern African American tradition: hip-hop dance.
     After another fabulous (despite the chilly weather) MLK march in San Antonio- a city which boasts of having the largest MLK march in the country- this event is something you won't want to miss out on. So make sure you check it out tonight at 7pm!
*Additional Note: Friday at 4:30 pm, the President Ahlburg and Penelope Harley will be hosting a tea time reception at their house to discuss reactions to the MLK March and Commemorative Speaker (Marc Lamont Hill). All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend.