September 22, 2010

Current Events, Exec. Board Meeting 9/21

    * from the 9/21 Executive Meeting, presented by Maria Tariq.

    "Afghan Boys Are Prized, So Girls Live the Part" by Nordberg

      Instead of having three daughters, Azita Rafaat remade her youngest daughter into an Afghan boy so she could have a son. "To those who know, these children are often referred to as neither 'daughter' nor “son” in conversation, but as 'bacha posh,' which literally means 'dressed up as a boy' in Dari" (Nordberg 2010). Mrs. Rafaat, who is a member of Parliment herself, suggested to her third daughter get a haircut and become their son, to gain their family greater status in Afghan society. It also allows their 'son' access to more educational and social opportunities.  NY Times Article Link

    Some questions we came up with at meeting:

    1. What are some other options women might take to get equal access in society?
    2. Is this going to be developmentally harmful to Mehran to grow up as a boy only to face societal pressures to be a woman once she hits puberty?
    3. Does this positively or negatively affect the struggle for Equal Rights between the sexes?  Aka, is this a progressive or regressive tactic?
    4. What does the society think about this type gender switching? 

    Event Report Form

    2010 – 2011 Trinity Diversity Connection Program/Event Report

    Diversity group:__________________________________
    E-mail Address:__________________________________
    Name of Program:________________________________
    Program Date:___________________________________
    Program Location:________________________________

    Amount           Expenditure Description

    Total Attendance


    Briefly Describe the Program:

    What Went Well?
    What Could Have Been Improved?

    * this form can (and should) be used for all events an Associate Group has each year, including TDC events such as Celebration and Awareness Week, Winter Jubilee, and Taste of Diversity.

    September 21, 2010

    T.D.C. Point System:

    Executive Meeting Attendance: +10/officer (limit: 20 pts)
    General Meeting Attendance: +5/officer (limit: 50 pts); +10 pt bonus if all officers present
    Group Sponsored Event: 1st 2 events per semester, +50/event; +25/following events

    Special Event Attendance: +10/officer (limit 50 pts); +10 pt bonus if all officers present
    Dialogues on Diversity (each semester): +10/officer per dialogue; +5 pts for additional dialogue
    Winter Jubilee: +10/officer (limit: 50 pts); +5/activity; +5/food
    Social Activism Events: +5/officer per event (limit: 25 pts); +10 pt bonus if all officers present
    CAW Activity: +40 per group
    Night of Color: +10/officer (limit: 50 pts); +10 pt bonus if all officers present
    Taste of Diversity: +10/office (limit: 50 pts); +10 pt bonus if all officers present
    Trainings: +5/officer (limit: 25 pts); +10pt. for officers who are on time

    T.D.C. Disciplinary Actions

    Violations will be given to any officer of an associate missing a required event without giving TDC prior notice of absence. Each group gets three warnings/violations TOTAL before their status as an associate group in TDC gets reevaluated.  This means that if 3 officers from the same associate group each miss one event without an excuse, the associate group will then be up for Re-Evaluation status.

    Disciplinary Actions are as follows:
    1st infraction – Warning e-mail to offending officer and President of each organization with notification of the offense
    2nd Infraction-  Warning e-mail to offending officer and President of each organization with notification of the offense. Also, a required meeting, including the offending officer, their Associate Group President, that groups T .D.C. group Liaison, and TDC Advisor.
    3rd Infraction – Warning e-mail to offending officer and President of each organization with notification of the offense, as well as a loss of advertising privileges with TDC (includes the rest of that semester's free copies and loss of Trinitonian ads).
    4th Infraction- Re-Evaluation of status as a TDC associate group by TDC Board vote.

    September 20, 2010

    Trinitonian Article- CAW 9/17/10

    What do Plaid Print, Fasting, Bollywood, and a Shabbat Service all have in common? 

         Ok ok ok ok, so stop me if you already heard this one: “A Muslim man and an Hindu woman walk into a Tea Room…” Oh, you don’t know that one?  What about “A Gay man and an Irish man go to Fiesta…” Nope, nothing. “Really? Ok, how about the one where a Black woman and a member of the Asian Subcontinental Association walk into a bar that is no longer a bar?”  Have you completely lost me on this one?! Get to the point already lady. Yes, well, badly stereotyped jokes aside, I am trying to talk about Celebration and Awareness Week (and butchering it, as you can all see I’m not cut out to be a comedian).  All of these bizarre occurrences are actually taking place this week; you just have to find the right room (Lightner Tea Room; Fiesta Room; and Tiger’s Den, respectively) on campus to be a part of party. 
          Celebration and Awareness Week is a time to have fun while learning about different aspects of diversity, but it is also a time to reflect on life. How often do you actually take the time to stop, and really look at your surroundings- look at the way campus organizations, classes, study habits, physical activities, musical interludes, and dorm life all intersect to form the Trinity Bubble we know and love. Trinity Diversity Connection hosts Celebration and Awareness Week for just this reason: to give students the opportunity to look around and see that there is more to this campus than reading that William Dean Howells’ book for class (sorry Dr. Stokes).   
         Diversity is about celebrating differences, but also about recognizing similarities in human nature. So when I happened to wear plaid pants on Monday only to fit in perfectly with all the other plaid at GCS’ Kilt and Knotwork Night, I chalked it up to last year’s President- Sidra Qureshi- and her knowledge that even the most random seeming circumstances can add up to a good connection with other people.  So if you haven’t made it out to any CAW events lately, I wish I could say that the three ghosts of TDC’s past would come haunt you too, but I can’t: However, I can tell you with confidence that you are missing out on some great experiences to meet new people, to challenge yourself into trying new activities or foods, as well as missing some seriously excellent music.
    So if you feel regret about not going to a CAW event yet, or just want to keep those unique CAW experiences coming, I suggest you try to attend JSA’s “Shabbat Service” TONIGHT in the Tehuacana Room (7:30-9:00pm) and/or SDA’s “Fun and Gaymes”- yes, it is spelled that way on purpose- in the Fiesta Room (6:00-7:30pm).  And of course, TDC’s Grand Finale is on Saturday (7-10pm) with “Night of Color”! There will be dancing, activities, food, as well as a chance to win one of those great Celebration and Awareness Week t-shirts that you see us wearing around campus today.
         Whether or not you ended up going to BSU’s “Outspoken Lyrics” Tuesday or tasted new foods at FSA’s “Fear Factor” challenge on Wednesday, Celebration and Awareness Week is all about being able to look at this campus in a new light. Say hello to your old friends, but don’t be afraid to mix it up and say hi to that passing stranger on your walk to class in the morning. You might learn something new about life, this campus, or yourself in the process.
    *Article by Kate Goldsberry (TDC President) published in the Trinitonian 9/17/10

    TDC Office Hours

    This list is for Fall semester '10:

    Kate (president): W 2:30-3:45; T 3:30-4:00
    Topper (vice-president): W: 9-10:30 a.m.
    Thi (event program coordinator):  M 1:30-3:00
    Paarth (accountant): F 12:30-2:00
    Maria (internal affairs): F 10:30-12:00
    Carmel (public relations): T/R 9:15-10:00 a.m.
    Ashwin (social activism): T 10:00-10:30 a.m., R 10:30-11:30 a.m.

    TDC Officer Requirements

    Every officer in a associate group is required to attend per Semester
    (dates included are for 1st semester's activities):
    • Officer Training
    • 1 DoD--Sept. 29th, 7 p.m.,Skyline; Nov. 9th 7 p.m., Skyline; Nov. 22 8:00 p.m., Skyline    
    • 1 Special Event (Nile Seguin)--Nov. 4th @ 7pm, Laurie Auditorium
    • Night of Color for CAW--Sept.  18th, 7 p.m-10pm, Fiesta Room
    • 1 Social Activism Project--Sept. 29th, 11-2pm Esplanade; Oct. 26th, Fiesta Room, 7 p.m.,
    • Fall Only: Winter Jubilee--Dec. 6th, 5 p.m., Esplanade/Fiesta Room 
    • Spring Only: Taste of Diversity 
    • Spring Only: TDC Gala

    Each organization is required to have PER SEMESTER:
    • 1 social event 
    • 1 educational event 
    • completed event reports
    *Presidents and treasurers also have meetings once per month; please contact Soi or Paarth with any questions.